{% extends "JMSJobQueueBundle::base.html.twig" %} {% import "JMSJobQueueBundle:Job:macros.html.twig" as macros %} {% block title %}Job "{{ job.command }}" (ID: {{ job.id }})" - {{ parent() }}{% endblock %} {% block content %}
Command | {{ macros.command(job) }} |
State | {{ macros.state(job) }} |
Created | {{ macros.ago(job.createdAt) }} |
Runtime | {{ macros.runtime(job) }} |
Closed | {{ macros.ago(job.closedAt) }} |
Original Job | #{{ job.originalJob.id }} {{ macros.state(job.originalJob) }} |
Related Entities | {%- for entity in relatedEntities %} {%- if entity.raw is jms_job_queue_linkable -%} {{ entity.raw|jms_job_queue_linkname }} {%- else -%} {{ entity.class }} ({{ entity.id }}) {%- endif -%} {% if not loop.last %}, {% endif -%} {% endfor -%} |
Dependencies | {%- for dep in job.dependencies -%} {{ dep.command }} {{ macros.state(dep) }} {%- if not loop.last %}, {% endif -%} {%- endfor -%} |
Incoming Dependencies | {%- for dep in incomingDependencies -%} {{ dep.command }} {{ macros.state(dep) }} {%- endfor -%} |
ID | Created | State |
{{ retryJob.id }} | {{ macros.ago(retryJob.createdAt) }} | {{ macros.state(retryJob) }} |
{{ job.output }}{% endif %} {% if job.errorOutput is not empty %}
{{ job.errorOutput }}{% endif %} {% if job.state == 'failed' or job.errorOutput is not empty %}
Click on the next button to create a new job to retry this failed one.